Cloud Gaming Price: How Much is It? [Provider Comparison]

Last updated on 27. June 2024

Cloud Gaming Price

Cloud gaming is no longer the distant future – it’s the present. As more gamers lean towards this new frontier, one question remains: “How much is cloud gaming?” Get ready as we unveil the numbers behind the several cloud gaming services.

Cloud Gaming Costs by Providers

Prices can vary quite a bit depending on the provider and the kind of experience they offer. But don’t fret! We’ve got a snazzy table right here that lays out the costs of the major players in the scene.

Cloud Gaming Service
(Payment Period)
(Short Duration)
(Long Duration)
Boosteroid Standard
9,89 €
(1 month)
7,49 €
(12 month)
Play now
Boosteroid Ultra
17,89 €
(1 month)
14,98 €
(6 month)
Play now
GeForce Now Free
(1 month)
Play now
GeForce Now Priority
(1 month)
(6 month)
Play now
GeForce Now Ultimate
(1 month)
(6 month)
Play now
Shadow PC Discovery
(1 month)
Play now
Shadow PC Boost
(1 month)
Play now
Shadow PC Boost
(1 month)
Play now
(low config)
(high config)
Play now
(1 month)
Play now
prime gaming
(1 month)
(12 month)
Play now
(1 month)
Play now
jackbox games
(1 month)
Play now
Xbox Game Pass Ultimate
(1 month)
Play now
PlayStation Plus Premium
(1 month)
(12 month)
Play now
(1 month)
Play now
Cloud Gaming Price by Provider

Understanding the Pricing Structure of Cloud Gaming

Before you whip out that credit card, let’s get a handle on how these services break down their prices.


> Pricing from $0 to $19,99 per month.

Services like GeForce Now and Boosteroid go with this approach. You’re basically paying a fixed monthly fee to use their streaming servers.

But here’s the catch – you gotta own most of the games, say through platforms like Steam. They’ve got a ton of AAA titles available, but don’t expect to find every single game on there.


> Pricing from $0,65 to $49,98 per month.

We’re looking at platforms like Shadow PC and airgpu here. You pay a fixed price each month for Shadow PC. On the other hand, with airgpu, you’re billed hourly, and the rate depends on your chosen configuration.

It’s basically a full cloud PC experience. This means you can play any game or even run other software, provided you own them.


> Pricing from $4,99 to $17,99 per month.

Blacknut, PlayStation Cloud Gaming, Xbox Cloud Gaming, and Amazon Luna fall into this category. You fork out a fixed monthly fee and get access to a library of games.

Sweet deal, right? The trade-off is that the library might not have every game you’re itching to play.

Price Comparison: Cloud Gaming vs Traditional Gaming PCs

Let’s talk dollars and cents. On the one hand, you’ve got cloud gaming with its monthly subscriptions. And on the other, there’s the traditional route of dropping a hefty sum on a gaming PC.

That PC might cost you anywhere from $800 to $2000+ for a beefy rig, and don’t forget the costs of upgrades and occasional maintenance.

Traditional Gaming PC:

Initial setup: $800 – $2,000
Upgrades: $100 – $400 every few years
Costs over 5 years: up to $3,000 

Cloud Gaming (using the Games-Inclusive model as an example):

Yearly subscription: $60 – $200
Costs over 5 years: up to $600

So, over 5 years, you could drop up to $3,000 on a traditional gaming setup. Cloud gaming, on the other hand? A max of $1000 for half a decade. Plus, no hassles with hardware upgrades, repairs, or compatibility issues.

Final Verdict: Cloud Gaming – Yay or Nay?

For the casual gamer: Cloud gaming is a big yay! It’s cost-effective and lets you enjoy top-tier games without spending big bucks on hardware.

For the hardcore gamer: If you love tweaking your rig and optimizing every aspect of your gaming experience, you might still prefer a traditional PC. But don’t discount cloud gaming entirely – it’s progressing at warp speed.

But here’s the thing: the world of cloud gaming is evolving fast. So, even if you’re a die-hard PC gamer, keep an eye on this space. The clouds are rolling in, and they’re bringing some fantastic gaming experiences with them!

Frequently Asked Questions

Finally, let’s dive into the frequently asked questions you might have about the pricing of cloud gaming.

No, cloud gaming typically isn’t free. Most cloud gaming platforms have associated subscription or rental fees, especially for higher-end gaming experiences.

However, there might be some platforms or promotional periods that offer limited free trials or basic tiers. For a detailed list of platforms that offer such options, check out our Free Cloud Gaming guide.

Among the cloud gaming services, GeForce Now is considered one of the cheapest, especially since they offer a free tier for users. For those on a tight budget or just wanting to test the waters, it’s an excellent place to start.

For more details on affordable cloud gaming options, check out our Free Cloud Gaming guide.

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